Providence Research Fellowships (PRF)

Technical Details

  1. Title of the Project
  2. Name and designation of the Principal Investigator(PI)
  3. Name and Designation of the Co PI if any
  4. Origin of the proposal (Maximum of 1page)
  5. Key words
  6. The scientific/ socio economic relevance with respect to international, national and state (National and International status up to 2pages)
  7. Methodology &Objectives (It should contain all the details of how each of the objectives will be addressed. This section must be detailed and have clear plans)
  8. Plan of work, methodology to achieve the proposed objectives (300 words)
  9. Mile stones &Time frame
  10. Summary of the project
  11. Expected Outcome
  12. Budget
  13. References
Items 1st Year 2nd Year
Non Recurring
Equipment/ Computer/Softwares

Providence Research Grants (PRG)

Terms and Conditions for Research Project Grants

Research Project Grants: Providence Women’s College management extends these grants to promote a robust research and development environment on campus. The grant amount is 2 Lakhs for science streams and up to 1 Lakh for arts and management streams.

Objectives: Foster collaborative research leading to significant outcomes and increased publications in Scopus-indexed international journals and those listed in the UGC care lists with a high impact factor. This grant serves as initial funding for educators to conduct research in cutting-edge areas of science, arts, and management subjects.

Eligibility: All teaching staff, including permanent, guest faculty, and instructors of self-financing courses at Providence Women’s College, are eligible to serve as the Principal Investigator (PI) for a project. The number of Co-PIs should not exceed two per project. Permanent faculty members retiring this year are not eligible to apply. Guest faculty currently employed at the institution may apply with the endorsement of any permanent faculty member. If they discontinue their teaching career, they must complete the project, with the publication affiliation being associated with our college.

Nature & Duration of Support: The maximum duration for project completion is 2 years. At the end of the second year, the PI must submit a comprehensive report, audited accounts, and a utilization certificate (UC). It is obligatory to publish two research articles on the topic in Scopus-indexed international journals or those listed in the UGC care lists.

Funding Disbursement: The funds will be disbursed in four instalments. Online transactions will be made to the dealer’s account for non-recurring items, and recurring items, the PI can receive an advance and submit proper bills. After each year, the PI must submit UC and accounts to the committee.

Budget Details: 50% of the funds can be allocated for the purchase of non-recurring items (equipment, computers, laptops, printers, software), and the remaining 50% for recurring items (consumables, contingency, travel, and other costs). An overhead of 5% per project should be remitted to the College Development Society.

Guest/self-financing faculty can receive Rs. 20,000/- as a research fellowship per project. If a faculty member is involved in part of their PhD, both publications should be affiliated with Providence Women’s College.

Mode and Selection of Application: Each applicant is eligible to submit only one proposal before 31st January, 11.30 pm, via email to in the given format. A hard copy of the proposal can be submitted to the PRG office within a few days. Selection will be based on recommendations from the expert committee constituted by the management. Projects from science, arts, and management streams will be considered separately.

Providence Research Scheme (PRS)

PRS Community Research Project

The community project is intended to help the community to eradicate poverty and thus to raise their standard of living. This fund should be exclusively used for the upliftment of the community not only at the present but also see to sustainability of the project. The community in the course of time must be empowered to help others to come up and thus become job providers in the future.

Terms and Conditions

  • Introduction to what one is doing probably with a s short review of literature
  • State the importance of the study
  • The project should specify clearly specify the area and the need for doing anything in that area
  • It should contain a need analysis of the community along with split up of expenditure under each item
  • It should clearly specify how many will benefit out of this project
  • And finally write the expected outcome of the project.

Title: [Project Title]


Clearly state the overarching goal of the community extension project. Specify the intended impact and benefits for the community involved.

Project Overview:

Provide a brief summary of the project, including its scope, duration, and key activities. Outline the main components and milestones.

Target Audience:

Identify the specific community or group the project aims to serve. Define their needs and how the project addresses them.

Project Team:

List the project team members along with their roles and responsibilities. Include contact information for effective communication.


Create a detailed timeline outlining the start and end dates of the project, as well as major milestones and deadlines.

Budget :

Present a budget breakdown covering all anticipated expenses. Include details on funding sources, if applicable, and any potential fundraising initiatives.


Describe the methods and approaches you will use to achieve project goals. Include any research, data collection, or community engagement strategies.


Identify any external organizations, businesses, or individuals collaborating on the project. Specify their roles and contributions.

Communication Plan:

Outline how communication will be managed within the project team and with the community. Include regular updates, newsletters, and social media strategies.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

Define the key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure project success. Explain how progress will be monitored and evaluated throughout the project.

Risk Management:

Identify potential risks and outline strategies to mitigate them. Consider external factors, logistical challenges, and community engagement issues.


Detail plans for the project’s long-term impact and how it will be sustained beyond its initial implementation. Include considerations for community empowerment and capacity building.

Documentation and Reporting:

Establish a system for documenting project activities, outcomes, and challenges. Define reporting intervals and formats for both internal and external stakeholders.

Ethical Considerations:

Highlight ethical guidelines for engaging with the community. Emphasize respect for cultural diversity, privacy, and informed consent.