24 09, 2022

“An Interactive Research ideas exchange Programme for Students Pursuing Physics” – Dept of Physics


Providence Women's College & St. Pious X Degree & PG College For Women Presents "An Interactive Research ideas exchange Programme for Students Pursuing Physics"

“An Interactive Research ideas exchange Programme for Students Pursuing Physics” – Dept of Physics2022-11-28T10:01:37+05:30
1 08, 2022

LA LUNA – Dept of Physics


As part of Moon landing day celebrations, department of physics organized la luna.. the journey to the moon and back .. Visitors to the venue got a feel of Space and could meet students dressed as astronauts. They could get answers to their queries about space travel from these Virtual astronauts. This innovative program was inaugurated by Ms. Bindu HOD of English Dept, whose words provided motivation and encouragement to the organizers

LA LUNA – Dept of Physics2022-11-28T10:08:19+05:30
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