14 06, 2023

Quiz Competition – Dept of English and Politics& IR


National Reading Day Celebration - Inter-Departmental Literature QuizBookscape - Readers Club of the Department of English, in collaboration with the Department of Politics and International Relations organised an interdepartmental literature quiz on 13th June 2023 in II BA English classroom as part of the national reading day celebration. Around forty participants from different departments participated in the competition. Geethu K of first MA in English was the quiz master. The quiz's first round, which will be followed by the final round the week after reading day, chose six contestants as winners.

Quiz Competition – Dept of English and Politics& IR2023-06-19T11:56:00+05:30
8 06, 2023

“Researching Popular Culture” – Dept of English


The research forum of the Department of English was inaugurated with a workshop on the topic "Researching Popular Culture" by Dr. Jenson Joseph, Asst. Professor, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar. The research scholars of the department participated actively in the intensive session held from 9:30 to 12:30 on 6 June 2023.

“Researching Popular Culture” – Dept of English2023-06-08T16:53:27+05:30
5 06, 2023

Wild Strawberries – Film Club, Dept of English


Film Club, Dept of English screened the movie, WILD STRAWBERRIES by Ingmar Bergman on 2nd June 2023 in III BA English classroom. Students of I MA, II MA and the research scholars watched the movie and attended an interactive session on 5th June 2023.The session was led by Dr. Jenson Joseph, Asst. Professor,DA-IICT, Gandhinagar. European Art Cinema, Auteur Cinema, Bergman movies were among the aspects discussed during the session.Geethu K of I MA welcomed the gathering and Anne Maria of II MA delivered the vote of thanks. The students demanded one more session with the resource person, impressed by the presentation [...]

Wild Strawberries – Film Club, Dept of English2023-06-06T15:18:05+05:30
5 03, 2023

“Yuvavani” Programme on AIR – Dept of English


Representing the Radio Club of the Department of English, the following students participated in "Yuvavani" Programme on AIR. The programme was aired on 22 February 2023 at 7.35 pm. Dr Sr Ashmitha delivered the talk on the Apostolic Carmel Congregation and the milestones of the college. Ms Bindu Amat, HOD of Department of English mentioned the academic and extracurricular activities of the college with special emphasis on SDG goals. Participants Malayalam* Group song R J Muskaan - IMA English Hridya K Anand - I MA English Ansha Kareem - II BA English Avanthika Prakash - II Psychology Lisabeth P Arnold [...]

“Yuvavani” Programme on AIR – Dept of English2023-03-05T16:09:17+05:30
4 03, 2023

Online Lecture on Documentary Films – Dept of English


The Department of English organised an Online Talk on Documentary Films on the 28th of February, 2023, as part of the MoU signed with the Dept. of English, Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Thevara. Dr. Rajesh James, award winning documentary filmmaker and Head of the Dept. of English, Sacred Heart College, delivered a lecture on Bill Nichols' essay, "The Voice of the Documentary". The staff and students of both departments participated in the programme. The talk is available on the YouTube Channel of the department : https://youtu.be/HSsf3rf3Gr0

Online Lecture on Documentary Films – Dept of English2023-03-04T10:38:49+05:30
22 02, 2023

Invited Lecture on “Turumpu Mullaniyude Hrudhayam” – Dept of English


The Departments of English of St. Joseph’s College, Devagiri and Providence Women’s College jointly hosted the eminent Malayalam writer Shihabuddhin Poythumkadavu in an online session on Tuesday, 21 February 2023. The author spoke about his story “Thurumbu Mullaaniyude Hridayam”, prescribed for study in the syllabus of VI Semester BA English. Staff and students of both departments interacted with the author, eliciting his views on art, creativity and establishmentarianism.

Invited Lecture on “Turumpu Mullaniyude Hrudhayam” – Dept of English2023-02-22T21:47:24+05:30
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