National Service Scheme

National Service Scheme2023-08-08T11:35:56+05:30

National Service Scheme (NSS)

The National Service Scheme (NSS) is an Indian government sector public service program conducted by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India. Aimed at developing students’ personality through community service, NSS is a voluntary association of young people. The programme aims to instill the idea of social welfare in students, and to provide service to society without prejudice or bias. NSS volunteers work to ensure that everyone who is needy gets help, to enhance their standard of living and lead a life of dignity. In doing so, volunteers learn how to lead a good life despite scarcity of resources. It also extends a helping hand during natural disasters by providing food, clothing and first aid to the victims.

NSS has two units (Unit 15 & 116) in Providence Women’s College and a total of 100 volunteers who work with dedication and loyalty to form a linkage between the campus and the community. Our units have won many honors for outstanding performance.


Program Officers : Dr. Sangeetha G Kaimal & Dr. Anu Jose

NSS Magazine

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